Date(s) - 10/13/2013
2:30 PM
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Scherr Forum
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Steve Solomon’s 90 minute smash hit comedy, starring Peter Fogel, inspired by his hilarious family and all the people in his life whose sole purpose is to drive him into therapy…and they succeeded.
One Part Lasagna, one part kreplach and two parts Prozac, you don’t have to be Jewish or Italian to love this show. All you need is to know what it feels like to leave a family dinner with heartburn & a headache!
Actor, Comedian & Playwright Peter Fogel is no stranger to late night comedy audiences and theaters across the United States. He has either worked on appeared on over 22 shows including “Married With Children,” and HBO Comedy Central. From cruise ships, to Las Vegas Showrooms — this funny man has also performed at the Herberger Theater, Parker Playhouse, and the Coral Springs Center for the Performing Arts, to name just a few. As a television writer he has penned sitcom scripts through Columbia Tri-Star television division for a show called “Rita’s World. Germany’s #1 Sitcom (consequently their only one.) Peter is the touring star for both of Steve Solomons’ hit shows.
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